Picaturi oftalmice cu utilizare zilnica Systane Hydration, 10 ml, Alcon
Picaturi oftalmice pentru ameliorarea temporara a senzatiilor de arsura si iritatie cauzata de simptomele de uscaciune a ochilor.
Pot fi utilizate si pentru rehidratarea tuturor lentilelor de contact.
- fără conservanți,
- potrivite pentru utilizarea împreună cu lentilele de contact, hidratează suprafața acestora și pot fi aplicate în ochi direct pe lentilele de contact sau utilizate înainte și după aplicare,
- reduc arsurile și iritațiile cauzate de ochii uscați,
- asigură o hidratare optimă datorită acidului hialuronic,
- sporesc stabilitatea filmului lacrimal pe suprafața ochiului,
10 ml.
These eye drops help quickly and reliably. If you have dry eyes and don't want a runny veil, these eye drops are a good choice. I have already bought them several times. A clear recommendation to buy!
I bought it for the first time on the recommendation of a pharmacist friend and have stuck with it: I always take it after a long day at the PC, which is becoming more and more common at the moment. Helps my eyes to relax and the pack lasts a long time, so it's good value for money.
The eye drops relax and cool. Dryness and itching disappear. The effect lasts a long time. Best eye drops I have tried so far.
Systane Hydration wetting drops provide long-lasting relief even when used 1-2 times a day. I achieve good results with Systane Hydration wetting drops even after several months of use. There are no signs of dry eyes or any side effects. Regular use is important.
Systane Hydration was recommended to me by both my ophthalmologist and my optician. Very pleasant feeling in the eye. I suffer from very dry eyes and these eye drops really are a blessing!
SYSTANE Hydration wetting drops for the eyes really help! And they feel pleasant. Another advantage is the small plastic bottles, which can be hygienically closed again and again with a screw cap. This makes them ideal for use on the go.
I have very dry eyes from wearing glasses and from working at the computer. I have tried various eye drops, but they only help for a short time. I am very satisfied with this product and will continue to order it.
Very good.
I saw the product in an advertisement and tried it. I am very satisfied with the result. I have been using the product for about 6-8 months for my dry eyes.
They are the drops that make eyes happy and sparkling