Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Description Collanol
The information in the FAQ section was created by the team and is based on the official manufacturer's manual
Collanol ist ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das speziell für die Erhaltung der Gesundheit von Gelenken und Knochen entwickelt wurde. Seine einzigartige Formel fördert den aktiven Wiederaufbau von Gelenken, Knorpeln und Bändern und verbessert deren Beweglichkeit.
Collanol ist in Form von Collanol, 20 Kapseln, Vitaslim im Handel erhältlich.
Jede Kapsel Collanol enthält die folgenden Wirkstoffe:
Indikationen für die Verwendung
Collanol hat mehrere Indikationen und kann in einer Vielzahl von Situationen verwendet werden, um die Gesundheit der Gelenke und Knochen zu unterstützen. Es trägt dazu bei, den Abbau des Gelenkknorpels aufzuhalten, der während des Alterungsprozesses oder aufgrund von Erkrankungen wie Arthrose auftreten kann. Indem es den Wiederaufbau des Knorpelgewebes anregt, kann es dazu beitragen, die Integrität und Funktionalität der Gelenke zu erhalten. Collanol enthält natürliches, nicht denaturiertes Kollagen vom Typ II, das die Kollagenproduktion im Körper reaktivieren und die Gesundheit der Gelenke unterstützen kann. Dies ist besonders wichtig für Menschen, die an Gelenkverletzungen leiden oder sich von einer Gelenkoperation erholen. Durch die Unterstützung des Knorpelaufbauprozesses kann Collanol dazu beitragen, die Beweglichkeit und Funktionalität der Gelenke wiederherzustellen.
Dosierung und Art der Anwendung
Es wird empfohlen, eine Kapsel Collanol pro Tag einzunehmen. Es sollte mit einem Glas Wasser oder nach Anweisung des Arztes oder Apothekers eingenommen werden.
Wie lange ist Collanol einzunehmen: Die Dauer der Behandlung hängt vom allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand und dem Vorliegen bestimmter Probleme und Erkrankungen ab.
Es gibt auch eine Reihe von Kontraindikationen für Collanol. Collanol sollte nicht eingenommen werden, wenn eine bekannte Allergie oder Überempfindlichkeit gegen einen der Wirkstoffe besteht. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie die Liste der Inhaltsstoffe überprüfen und sicherstellen, dass Sie keine unerwünschten Reaktionen auf diese Stoffe haben. Darüber hinaus wird empfohlen, vor der Einnahme von Collanol den Rat Ihres Arztes einzuholen. Dies ist besonders wichtig, wenn Sie unter Vorerkrankungen wie Leber-, Nieren- oder Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen leiden.
Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln und Lebensmitteln
Es sind keine Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln bekannt. Informieren Sie jedoch Ihren Arzt über alle Medikamente oder Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die Sie einnehmen.
Bei Collanol sind keine schwerwiegenden oder häufigen Nebenwirkungen bekannt geworden. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu wissen, dass jeder Mensch unterschiedlich auf Nahrungsergänzungsmittel reagieren kann und dass individuelle Nebenwirkungen auftreten können. Wenn Sie während der Einnahme von Collanol Nebenwirkungen oder ungewöhnliche Symptome feststellen, sollten Sie die Einnahme sofort beenden und Ihren Arzt aufsuchen. Mögliche Nebenwirkungen können allergische Reaktionen, Magenbeschwerden (Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Bauchbeschwerden), Leber- oder Nierenprobleme sein.
Wie jedes andere Medikament oder Nahrungsergänzungsmittel kann auch Collanol Nebenwirkungen verursachen, wenn es in höheren Dosen als empfohlen eingenommen wird.
Lagern Sie die Packung Collanol intaktes Kollagen + Curcumin an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Kann Collanol in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit verabreicht werden?
Bei schwangeren oder stillenden Frauen wird empfohlen, vor der Einnahme von Collanol oder anderen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln einen Arzt zu konsultieren.
Beeinflusst Collanol die Fahrtüchtigkeit?
Dieses Produkt beeinträchtigt in keiner Weise die Fahrtüchtigkeit.
Collanol oder Collagenmed?
Diese beiden Produkte haben eine ähnliche Zusammensetzung. Die gemeinsamen Bestandteile sind Kollagen, Kurkuma und Vitamin C. Sie verhindern den Abbau von Gelenkknorpel, unterstützen die Gewebereparatur und regen die Kollagenproduktion an.
Collanol oder Supramax Gelenke?
Diese beiden Produkte unterstützen die Gelenkfunktion und -gesundheit und beugen Gelenkschäden vor. Beide haben Kollagen als gemeinsamen Inhaltsstoff, aber zusätzlich enthält Collanol für Gelenke weitere Inhaltsstoffe wie Kurkuma, Vitamin C, Kupfer, Vitamin D3 und Mangan.
Muvon Plus oder Collanol?
Collanol und Muvon Plus unterstützen eine optimale Gelenkfunktion und verbessern die Beweglichkeit. Außerdem verringern sie Steifheit und verbessern die Beweglichkeit. Muvon Plus enthält 10 mg hydrolysiertes Kollagen, 100 mg Hyaluronsäure und 230 mg Vitamin C.
Category | Vitamins and Supplements, Healthy joints, bones and muscles, Joints and bones care, Eye care, Promotions, Vision supplements, 1+1 offers, Discounts on health care products up to 35 percent |
Brand | Vitaslim |
Product type | Capsule, Sets |
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I have osteoarthritis problems in my knees and hope these pills will help me rebuild my cartilage. Great service on time and fast. low cost compared to other sellers.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I am going to try it for the first time and I hope it works for me. Thank you for the service and The service is excellent thank you
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
So far so good: price, purchase and delivery good and fast. I started taking the product with the hope of finding improvement for hand and knee problems.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
So far, I can say that the swelling and pain in my knee have diminished slightly. I'm continuing to do so in the hope that the symptoms will continue to improve.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Very good product received earlier than expected Thank you
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Everything very good, fast shipping.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
very serious and accurate site . i took collanol x problems due to age alas !! the price much lower than others .
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
very effective for joints
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
what I liked is what I had read and what they told me about it but now that I am taking it I wanted to contact the staff of this project but they have not contacted me so I will have to go my own way and thank you ok.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Start of treatment to be seen later.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I've been using this product for some time now and have noticed its effect on my joints, which are affected by severe osteoarthritis. I recommend it
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
It's a good medicine
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
very good product with good price discount
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Very good product received earlier than expected thank you
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
They seem to work very well.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Shipment on time
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Excellent service. This product is used to strengthen cartilage in knees
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Help my knees.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Collanol is excellent...allows me to walk further without discomfort...recommend this product.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I am satisfied with this product and its usefulness. My knee mobility is improving. I know my bone problem will take a long time to heal, but I believe in this product.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I've been using it for about a month to relieve arthritic pain in my hands.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
This is the second time I've used it, it didn't work miracles the first time or the second, but I feel better when I take it. The price is a bit high considering that the box contains 20 capsules. Good product.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I have been using it for about a month for arthritis pain in my hands. So far I can say that swelling and pain have subsided somewhat. I continue in the hope that the symptoms will improve further.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
After a painful joint inflammation that affected various joints (knee, shoulder, wrist), I was diagnosed with a deficiency of certain minerals and vital substances. Permanent treatment with infusions would have been too expensive. So what remained was a targeted intake of supplements. After the initial three-pack, I bought a five-pack because I no longer had any complaints after taking Collanol. It fits! A clear recommendation from me!
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I have been using this product for some time and have found benefit on my joints compromised by severe arthrosis I recommend it
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I'm slowly seeing a difference in the mobilization of my knee and I'll continue to take these little miracles.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I am very satisfied with Collanol. I took a course at the beginning of the year to relieve my joint pain, which worked well. Now I have ordered it again to start another course and can only recommend it!
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I ordered supplements at a favorable price, and the product arrived quickly and undamaged. It was a positive experience for me.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
excellent product at a good discount price
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
excellent product x cartilage reconstruction and knee pain
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I was familiar with this product from having already purchased it at the pharmacy (at an absurd price). My wife has been using it for about a month for problems with a knee, and she confirmed that since using it, the pains have markedly decreased. Absolutely positive review and hassle-free shipping. I will repurchase it
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Excellent product x reduced cartilage at knee joints
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I move so much better after only 6 weeks. I was skeptical, but this product is giving me back movement I haven't had for many years. The sensitive joints still bother me at night, but daytime mobility is clearly renewed.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I suffer from chronic knee and hip pain and I'm desperately trying anything because I can't have surgery. I'm only on my second week of taking capsules. I'm optimistic but the knee isn't as bad. I'm going to try it again and I hope it will relieve the pain in my hip.
Collanol 20 caps + ZeaForce 30 caps Vitaslim package
Good product.Pain was gone quickly.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
great supplement for sports people, fast shipping, also great price
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I am very satisfied with my purchase and the speed of delivery. I'm on my second box of Collanol, and I've started to feel an improvement in my knee pain and to walk better. I highly recommend these products
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Excellent service. This product is used to strengthen knee cartilage.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
great price great product
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
For joints. I had SN hip pain, and after three months of taking collanol, the pain went away
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Definitely lower cost than others, 'discrete packaging and delivery times not always met however overall good
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
After an accident, I ended up with a torn meniscus. Of course, the doctors immediately recommended surgery, which I very much wanted to avoid. The pain remained very severe, almost debilitating. It drove me to seek a solution. I consulted several other doctors. I tried all kinds of pills, creams and medical procedures. There was no result. Therefore, when I read the article about Collanol, I decided to order it. Since I have been taking it, my knee is doing better. I can take it without pain. I feel like a lubricant has formed where the particles rub. I have no idea how it did it, but Collanol stopped my pain. It saved me.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Unfortunately, it didn't help me because my osteoarthritis had progressed too far.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
It's the first thing that helps with the bone on bone arthritis in both my knees. Early days but will continue taking and I have requested to have it delivered monthly. The only fault with it, is you only get 20 capsules in one pack instead of 28 so you are short of a month's supply
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
After a painful joint inflammation that affected several joints (knee, shoulder, wrist), I was diagnosed with a deficiency of certain minerals and vital substances. Continuous infusion treatment would have been too costly. The only solution was to take special supplements. After the first packet of Collanol, I've had no more complaints. It works! An unequivocal recommendation from me
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I prefer these capsules to powder
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
From my own experience, it is indicated for proper functioning of joints and cartilage.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
In general multumita
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I have used the product for 6 months because of knee arthritis, of course the pain is not completely gone but after 2 years of constant pain I finally sleep through 80% of the pain is gone, I can only recommend the product and you really have to be patient .... at least 3 to 6 months, I myself have taken a 2 month break after 6 months of use and now I am ordering for the next 6 months.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
The product is great. I can only recommend it to others.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I have been taking Collanol for a few months now to support my body in weightlifting. After a few weeks of regular use, I have significantly less pain in my hand and knee joints, even though we have increased our maximum weight - I am very satisfied.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Un produs f bun
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Another good product from Vitaslim
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Due to the physical strain of my job as a nurse, I have been suffering from joint pain for some time. I tried Collanol on the recommendation of a friend. Delivery was very quick. The effect of the capsules is very good and after a short time of taking them regularly I noticed an improvement in my symptoms. The pain is relieved and I feel better. I will definitely buy Collanol again and recommend it to others. Thumbs up!
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I already notice the first improvements in my hair and nails
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
De note 20
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Very satisfied
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I can say one thing for sure: Collanol is the only product that has helped me. I can say this with certainty because I have osteoarthritis of both knees and in recent years my life has been full of pain. I have been looking for a solution to my problem for years without success. The doctors offered me surgery, but I was afraid of it. I tried everything that was recommended to me. Some remedies helped me, others didn't. I found out about Collanol from a neighbor who was extremely satisfied with it. I only take one capsule a day. Two weeks after I started taking Collanol, I saw the first results and now, 90 days later, I am a new person. I will definitely continue to take Collanol for the next 90 days as I am convinced of its excellent end effect.
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I suffer from a degenerative joint disease. I had very severe pain in my knees - so much so that I cried in bed at night. Like everyone else in the same situation as me, I tried everything I could think of. I took various remedies, but they didn't have the desired effect. When I was looking for a solution to my problem, I came across Collanol. To be honest, I didn't expect it to help me, but the result surprised me. The pain didn't just go down - it went away. I have been taking Collanol for three months and I feel fine - I have no more pain and I can move freely. I wholeheartedly recommend Collanol because I am convinced that it helps.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Excellent seller, delivery as specified and always updated with tracking code. Used product for joints and cartilage, I am doing well.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Shipping packing and timing ok. Bravo. Excellent product.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
All ok super recommended
Collanol Pack, 2 x 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
This is the second time I have used it,, it didn't work a miracle the first time or even the second time, however I feel better when I take it.The price is a bit high considering the box has 20 capsules. Good product.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Accurate and prompt service. Product received undamaged in a few days
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Arrived all regular thank you
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Write what effect the product had, not that it arrived in a few hours, intact, etc... like this
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Excellent product Anti-inflammatory and pain relieving. I have been using it for years doing cycles of treatment.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I bought it for my mother and already after 1 1/2 months she feels better!
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Impeccable services. Thank you very much.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Excellent but needs to be administered over a longer period.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
An excellent supplement. Reduces the intensity of rheumatic pain.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I received the order with the packaging intact. Thank you Liki24.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Convenient shipping with many products in one place.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
It is worth continuing the treatment!
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Thank you very much for the medicine!
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
A very good supplement. Reduces the intensity of rheumatic pain In a short time, a few days. Should be taken over a longer period.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Fast and convenient delivery with many other products in one place.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
Thank you so much for the medicine! I took it for my mom and already, after 1 month and a half, she feels better! She doesn't have the same pains she used to have in one hand!
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I received my order quickly and with the packaging intact. Thank you Liki24.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
I received the product in a short time and the packaging was sealed and well protected. I have recommended other friends to buy from Liki24.
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
It's well worth continuing the cure!
Collanol, 20 capsules, Vitaslim
The medicine arrived within a few hours,impeccable service.Many thanks!