Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Instruction Kreon
The information in the FAQ section was created by the team and is based on the official manufacturer's manual
Kreon ist ein Arzneimittel, das in seiner Zusammensetzung Pankreatin (Amylase, Lipase, Protease) enthält und die Verdauung der Nahrung erleichtert. Kreon-Kapseln enthalten Minikügelchen, die das Pankreatin langsam im Darm freisetzen (magensaftresistente Tabletten).
Kreon ist in zwei Darreichungsformen erhältlich:
- Kreon 10000 magensaftresistente Kapseln
- Kreon 25000 magensaftresistente Kapseln
Indikationen für die Anwendung
Kreon wird bei Kindern und Erwachsenen mit exokriner Pankreasinsuffizienz eingesetzt, wenn die Bauchspeicheldrüse nicht genügend Enzyme zur Verdauung der Nahrung ausscheidet. Sie tritt besonders häufig auf bei: Verstopfung der Gallenblase oder der Bauchspeicheldrüsengänge, Mukoviszidose oder akuter entzündlicher Krise der Bauchspeicheldrüse.
Dosierung und Art der Anwendung
Die verabreichte Dosis wird in Lipaseeinheiten gemessen. Lipase ist ein Enzym, das in der Zusammensetzung von Pankreatin enthalten ist. Verschiedene Konzentrationen von Kreon enthalten unterschiedliche Mengen an Lipase. Bei Mukoviszidose beträgt die empfohlene Anfangsdosis bei Kindern unter 4 Jahren 1000 Lipaseeinheiten/kg pro Mahlzeit. Die empfohlene Anfangsdosis bei Kindern über 4 Jahren, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen beträgt 500 Lipaseeinheiten/kg pro Mahlzeit. Bei anderen Bauchspeicheldrüsenerkrankungen liegt die empfohlene Dosis pro Hauptmahlzeit zwischen 25000 und 80000 Lipaseeinheiten. Die Dosis für eine Zwischenmahlzeit entspricht der Hälfte der für eine Hauptmahlzeit benötigten Dosis.
Kreon sollte während oder unmittelbar nach Zwischenmahlzeiten oder Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden, damit sich die Enzyme gut mit der Nahrung vermischen können.
Wie wird Kreon eingenommen:Die Kapseln werden im Ganzen geschluckt, nicht zerbrechen oder kauen. Fällt das Schlucken der Kapseln schwer, können sie vorsichtig ausgepackt und die Minikügelchen in weiche Nahrung (pürierte Bananen, Äpfel oder Karotten) gegeben werden. Die Mischung wird sofort unzerkaut geschluckt und anschließend ein wenig Wasser getrunken. Minimikrokugeln können auch in eine Flüssigkeit gegeben werden.
Kreon darf nicht von Personen eingenommen werden, die allergisch gegen Schweinepankreatin oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile von Kreon sind. Bei Patienten mit Mukoviszidose, die hohe Dosen von pankreatinhaltigen Produkten einnehmen, wurde über eine seltene Erkrankung berichtet, bei der der Darm verengt ist, die so genannte ""fibrosierende Kolonose"". Daher sollten Menschen mit Mukoviszidose, die während der Einnahme von Kreon ungewöhnliche Bauchschmerzen oder veränderte Bauchbeschwerden verspüren, dies mit ihrem Arzt besprechen.
Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln und Lebensmitteln
Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt über alle Medikamente oder Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die Sie einnehmen, um Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten zu vermeiden.
Wie jedes Medikament kann Kreon manchmal Nebenwirkungen wie Magenschmerzen, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Verstopfung, Blähungen und Durchfall verursachen. Reaktionen können manchmal durch die Erkrankung, für die Sie das Medikament verwenden, verursacht werden.
Kreon ist im Allgemeinen sicher und es sind keine Überdosierungsdaten bekannt. Wie jedes Arzneimittel kann es jedoch Nebenwirkungen verursachen, wenn es in zu hohen Dosen eingenommen wird. Überschreiten Sie nicht die empfohlenen Dosen und nehmen Sie nicht die doppelte Dosis ein, um eine vergessene Dosis nachzuholen.
Lagern Sie das Produkt in der Originalverpackung, bei Temperaturen unter 25°C, fern von Feuchtigkeit und Wärmequellen.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Kann Kreon während der Schwangerschaft oder Stillzeit eingenommen werden?
Ihr Arzt wird entscheiden, ob und in welcher Dosis Sie Kreon während der Schwangerschaft einnehmen können. Kreon ist ein Arzneimittel, das während der Stillzeit angewendet werden kann, aber nur auf Anweisung Ihres Arztes.
Kreon oder Triferment?
Kreon und Triferment sind zwei Arzneimittel, die Verdauungsenzyme enthalten, die Menschen mit Verdauungsstörungen bei der Verdauung der Nahrung helfen. Triferment enthält die Enzyme Lipase, Amylase und Protease, die den Abbau von Fetten, Kohlenhydraten und Proteinen in der Nahrung unterstützen. Kreon enthält eine Kombination von Bauchspeicheldrüsenenzymen, das so genannte Pankreatin, das die Verdauung von Proteinen, Fetten und Kohlenhydraten unterstützt. Beide sind in Kapselform erhältlich und sollten mit oder unmittelbar nach einer Mahlzeit eingenommen werden.
Kreon oder Mezym?
Beide enthalten Enzyme, die als Pankreatin bekannt sind und eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verdauung von Proteinen, Fetten und Kohlenhydraten spielen. Daher kann Ihr Arzt manchmal Mezym als Ersatz für Kreon empfehlen.
Kreon oder Colebil?
Im Gegensatz zu Kreon enthält Colebil Stoffe, die bei der Therapie der Gallenblase eine Rolle spielen und den Mangel an Galle ausgleichen. Es enthält Rindergalle und andere Inhaltsstoffe und ist zur Behandlung von Gallenmangel angezeigt.
Kreon beeinflusst die Fahrtüchtigkeit?
Kreon hat keinen Einfluss auf die Fahrtüchtigkeit.
Category | Over-the-Counter medicines (OTC), Digestive Diseases, Digestive enzymes (OTC), Vitamins and Supplements, Healthy digestion, Digestive enzymes, Promotions, 1+1 offers, Useful kits, Travel kit |
Brand | Mylan |
Product type | Capsule, Gastro-resistant capsules |
ATC code 1 | A09AA02 |
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Facilitates digestion and intestinal absorption
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Promptness! Properly packaged products, delivery within 48 hours.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I liked to find readily available Kreon 25000 , very often unobtainable , I did not like the price € 17.5 for only 20 CPS is excessive ; to get to 100 CPS you need to buy 5 for a total of well € 87.5 . Next time I hope to find another cheaper seller
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Helps well and digests quickly.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
The product is excellent. Essential for digestion
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Bought for my 97-year-old mother who suffers from pancreatic insufficiency so she had great digestive difficulties works great
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Great service. Perfect products.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Product solves all digestive problems with my diabetes. After testing the dose, one capsule a day is enough for me.
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Everything perfect...accurate and timely shipping...highly recommended
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Drug that unfortunately is no longer available in Italy. Good thing I found it here and it doesn't cost that much. Great!!!
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I have been ordering this product for a long time and it is very helpful for me and my well-being.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
I bought the product and am very satisfied. I can only recommend it. Fast delivery, good price. Simply wonderful!
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
The product is excellent, corresponding to expectations. Useful for good digestion
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
My mother has been taking this medication for many years and it helps her well.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
A very well tolerated product. The price-performance ratio is right
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Excellent product, corresponding to expectations. Useful for digestion
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
I take Creon when eating fatty and heavy food, it helps quickly and has no side effects for me.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I have already ordered the product once and am very satisfied with the effect. I would recommend it to anyone who has problems with their pancreas.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
A slight feeling in the stomach remains after eating.
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Pancreas problems, I have to use it, very good resilts
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
de cand the cautam.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Order, delivery, website: everything okay!
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
A great product, I recommend.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Arrived on time and correctly packaged. Five stars from me.
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
ma ajuta enormuta
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Great service and product arrived in good condition. The only thing would be to improve the delivery time. Regards
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Effective product for digestion
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Creon helps me very well against digestive problems due to reduced fat digestion. I take the product with yogurt or apple to create an acidic environment.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Now I don't react so sensitively when I drink coffee or eat more greasy food.
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Great products, fast shipping, helpful customer service
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
A product that I am looking for and only here I found it!!!
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
I've only been taking it for a few days and can't say it's helping yet. I feel better.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Great for digestive problems!
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Great product and great service as always!
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Everything perfect also arrived in a short time
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Very important drug that is unfortunately no longer found in Italy
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
I have never failed with Kreon. I recommend it!!!
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Creon makes my stomach and abdomen feel very pleasant. I have not felt any side effects so far. My bowel movements are also much better. I am happy to continue taking it!
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Helps to break down food by breaking down fats, proteins and carbohydrates into smaller units. In this way, the digestion of food is supported.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Clear and fast. Good after sales support.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Excellent product and much appreciated the seriousness of LIKI 24
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Excellent against esophageal reflux
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
Creon is really great for digestion. I like to eat, especially in the evening. Creon helps me with digestion so that food doesn't feel heavy in my stomach.
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Tutto ok,...........................
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Great service, as always! And The delivery was expedited!
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
I liked the reliability for digestion
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I ordered a few products and was pleasantly surprised by the promptness with which you sent the products, the very careful way in which you packaged the products, congratulations🤗🤗. I highly recommend you to all my friends and beyond.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I am very pleased, to receive the medication at home, as I am retired and ill and can't go too far to do the shopping myself. The Kreon makes my life easier, the medicine is recommended by my doctor, and helps with chronic pancreatitis. Unfortunately Kreon ul 25000 is hard to find, and there are many who want to buy it. I highly recommend Liki 24. It is a reliable company with low prices. Thank you very much Liki 24.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Due to my illness, I always have to take Creon with my meals. I have always stuck with these creons because they are of consistently good quality and I tolerate them well.
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
I chose this product after a long search because in Italy Mylan company's creon 10000 can no longer be found it is no longer in production,since it is to treat me a pancreatic distress I trusted it because viatris is related to Mylan
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Similar product in Italy is now unobtainable; for me it was a salvation!
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
This is indispensable drug for pancreatic disorders, currently unobtainable in Italy, I found the"opportunity to buy it from Liki , shipping was fast and the product is absolutely compliant .
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Product meeting the description for use on a pancreatic cancer patient.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
All perfect and accurate. I am using the product for a bad pancreatitis in my wolf dog. Thank you very much
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
FF bun
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Very reliable and delivery on time
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Everything ok Fast shipping.
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
I will always order it from here, I know I can find it with you.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
7 boxes 167.30 RON + 23.57RON service cost =200.87 RON at the exchange rate of 5RON for 1 Euro = 40.174€ I paid for 247.31 RON = 49.462€ . 9.288€ IN more. With qquest I could buy 2 more boxes. Thank you
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
I recommend 👍 I normally use Kreon 2500, but it's getting harder and harder to find, that's why I take 2 capsules a day of these, and they have the same effect as the others, and help me. Thanks for these too.👍😀
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
I bought the kreon ,which at this time in Italy and 'unavailable,too bad for the shipping time much slower than promised
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Everything ok. Super Fast shipping. Thank you.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Everything ok. Super Fast Shipping. Thank you
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
I am the happiest that I found it here, thank you!!!
Kreon 10,000, 5x20 gastro-resistant capsules, Mylan Healthcare
A product so necessary to me! and not only
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Excellent product ,good price
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
I received what was requested in the right time. I am satisfied with it. Thank you
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I am very happy with the medicine, and thank you for using the site, The medicines are coming to my home, the couriers are doing their job. I'm a sick man, and I can't really walk on my feet. That's why the site is a perfect solution for me. Thank you so much 👍👍😀
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Excellent quality and price ! I will definitely buy again !
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Now the convenience is that it can also be found on Liki24!
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Excellent digestive enzyme complex.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Is presented as described.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
It does its job,the difference is noticeable post intake
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
more capable than that sold in pharmacies because of the different percentages of active ingredients.
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Super recommended product !
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Always synonymous with quality.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I highly recommend Liki24, because they bring my medication to my home the same day I order. I get all the medicines I need, in one place, which is important, and I don't even have to search in many pharmacies, thanks to Liki24, a reliable company. Make use of it. Best regards Marian
Kreon 10,000, 20 gastro-resistant capsules
Not all the products on the Liki24 website are available for sale, e.g. Kreon 25000 is listed as available, I order it and then I am told that it is no longer available.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I always turn to Liki24 when I want products to arrive quickly and at the best price.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
I buy it for my mom. It has the best price.
Kreon 25000, 20 capsules, Mylan
unfortunately I need these capsules. I feel excellent.